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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Time-honored Reformation theology is being discounted today as new perspectives challenge old verities. The need to return to biblical foundations is urgent. In Divine Redemption and the Refuge of Faith, Douglas Vickers addresses the pressing questions: Who is Jesus Christ? What is the human condition? And in what respect is that human condition addressed by the presence of Jesus Christ in the world? In lucid and arresting terms, answers are developed from the basic theses that structured Reformation thought:- the claim of Athanasius that it was the self-existing Second person of the Godhead who came as Jesus Christ;- the claim of Augustine that the human will was bound in sin as a result of Adam’s fall; and- the claim of Anselm that Christ’s atonement provided a necessary and complete satisfaction for sin.Divine Redemption and the Refuge of Faith provides a biblical-theological corrective to contemporary doctrinal deviations. If you are looking for a clear-headed, sure-footed, and warm-hearted guide on the most basic, cardinal issues of Christianity in every age, read this book repeatedly. It will enable you to think through a host of doctrines, issues, and positions in a world that is groping in the dark for truth.

Douglas Vickers is professor emeritus of economics at the University of Massachusetts.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781892777409
Item #: 12871
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 202
Publication Date: 2004

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