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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Engaging Motherhood: Heart Preparation for a Holy Calling

By Holly Mackle and Linda Barrett -All PCA members!!!

Engaging Motherhood is a Bible study on motherhood and a place for moms of young children to connect and beat back loneliness, to be reminded of truth when lies scream so loudly, and to be assured that we are enough because Christ is enough. Written by seven women with one heart, it seeks to prepare mamas for the days when sin flares up, expectations go unmet, relationships are strained, or the line between the rational and the irrational blurs. Allow your gaze to be lifted from the stifling how-to’s of raising a child to Christ’s sufficiency in meeting your every need along the way.
Publisher: CDM
ISBN: 9781944964023
Item #: 13217
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 8
Page Count: 119
Publication Date: 2016

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