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McDowell, Josh


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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Understanding Islam and Christianity - Beliefs That Separate Us and How to Talk About Them

By Josh McDowell, Jim Walker -

For years, international apologist Josh McDowell has been alert to the challenge of Islam—and how Muslims’ objections to Christianity can raise deep doubts in believers’ minds. His recent on-the-ground research with Muslims in the Middle East has crystallized into this practical resource focusing on Jesus and the gospel. Aided by Islam expert Jim Walker, McDowell lays out the evidence on the crucial issues:

What kind of prophet was Jesus? Was he the Messiah?
“Son of God”? “Son of Man”? What’s that about?
How are God and Jesus related? Can they both be God?
The gospel—how could God dishonor his Son by letting him die horribly? What good did his death do?
Aren’t the Bible’s accounts of Jesus corrupt?

Josh McDowell has been reaching the spiritually skeptical for more than five decades. Since beginning ministry in 1961, Josh has spoken to more than 25 million people in 128 countries.

Jim Walker has been involved in Islamic ministry and research for over 20 years. He has led and taught numerous seminars for Christians interested in learning about Muslims’ faith.
Publisher: Harvest House
ISBN: 9780736949903
Item #: 13407
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 14
Page Count: 304
Publication Date: 2013

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