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Concise Systematic Theology - An Introduction to Christian Belief

Concise Systematic Theology - An Introduction to Christian Belief

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Concise Systematic Theology - An Introduction to Christian Belief
John M. Frame - PCA

Experience the essence of Professor John Frame's profound, creative, and biblical theology in a single volume. Writing in a warm, conversational style, Frame distills nearly 10,000 pages and many years of study into a concentrated, broadly accessible book that Sinclair Ferguson hopes will become the "most widely read and appreciated of all his works.” Learn about God, the gospel, the church, and the Christian life in fresh and exciting ways as study questions, memory verses, and additional resources—including links to Frame’s companion audio lectures—help you to develop a thoroughly biblical framework while never losing sight of the devotional nature of your study.

Revised and enhanced edition of John Frame's Salvation Belongs to the Lord.

John M. Frame (BD, Westminster Theological Seminary; AM, MPhil, Yale University; DD, Belhaven College) is J. D. Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando.
Publisher: P&R
ISBN: 9798887790183
Item #: 16021
Binding: Hardback
Page Count: 560
Publication Date: 2023

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