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Fesko, John


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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Every Christian should desire to manifest godliness and the fruit of the Spirit. Yet too often we try to achieve it by mere good intentions and efforts to pull ourselves up by our moral bootstraps. Such attempts always fall short of spiritual reality. Godliness should be a defining characteristic of Christians, so how does one obtain it?

As he looks at Paul's famous fruit of the Spirit passage in Galatians 5, the author shows that this work of the Spirit is not merely a New Testament idea, but is written throughout the pages of Old Testament history, from creation, the Exodus, through the prophets, to the fulfilment of promised blessings in the work of the Lord Jesus.

When this fruit is displayed in our lives, God is fulfilling ancient promises of redemption through Christ and the Spirit and we are experiencing and manifesting the very things God promised over 2,500 years ago.

In the midst of our sin-darkened world today, Jesus continues to create anew his kingdom, where those who trust in him will manifest this holy and righteous fruit. This work will continue, until one day it fills the entire earth.
Publisher: 10 OF THOSE
ISBN: 9780852347362
Item #: 11082
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 5
Page Count: 76
Publication Date: 2011

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